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10 things you need to know this morning in Australia

Wednesday 4 January 2017

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10 things you need to know this morning in Australia

Someone let AI loose online, and it started beating all the humans. Bob Hawke smashed another beer for the crowd. Bitcoin's booming and future BMWs will have... bookshelves?
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NASA just announced it will probe a dead planet's core

Every few years, NASA picks a roughly $450 million mission to explore the solar system. On Wednesday, however, the space agency announced not one, but two new space probes from a batch of five finalists.
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China's smog has gotten so bad, it's almost impossible to see skyscrapers from the air

Beijing is under a "red alert" for smog - the highest of four levels -  and a "yellow alert" for fog. 
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Twitter cofounder Evan Williams lays off one-third of staff at Medium, closes two offices

Medium is laying off one-third of its staff - roughly 50 people - as the company changes its course, according to a post from its founder and CEO Evan Williams.
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There's a radiation hot spot over South America where NASA shuts down its satellites

The closest radiation belt to Earth roams above South America. It is called the South Atlantic Anomaly and gives off high levels of radiation that has been known to destroy satellites.
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Watch out Ferrari - McLaren's next-generation supercar is coming

On Wednesday, McLaren confirmed the existence of the long-awaited replacement for its Super Series supercars. 
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GOLDMAN SACHS: There will be no 'soft Brexit'

Theresa May will probably fail to keep Britain in the EU Single Market and lose the UK's financial passport after Article 50 talks conclude in March 2019, according to Goldman Sachs analyst Andrew Benito.
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Idris Elba talks about why he's over the Bond rumours and how he escapes from acting

In 2017, we'll have the luxury of seeing more of his face in "Thor: Ragnarok" and "The Dark Tower", but before that we'll see Elba in a small movie he's tried to get off the ground for three years.

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