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10 things you need to know this morning in Australia

Sunday 8 January 2017

Trip Guide News

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10 things you need to know this morning in Australia

The Australian housing chart that says it all. The moment you regretted buying that iPhone 7. Inside the mind of the world's best hedge fund manager. And meet your new VR doctor.
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One Nation candidate Shan Ju Lin has been sacked for anti-gay comments but she won't apologise

One Nation candidate Shan Ju Lin was sacked over the weekend for anti-gay comments on Facebook. 
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Google just made a big move to bring down the cost of self-driving cars

Alphabet-owned company Waymo has slashed the price of lidar, a key component of self-driving cars that helps them see the world, by 90%.
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Trump's chief of staff acknowledges that Russia was behind DNC hacks

US President-elect Donald Trump's incoming chief of staff accepted that Russia was behind last year's hacking and leaking of internal emails from top officials at the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign.
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A star is hurtling towards our solar system and could knock millions of asteroids straight towards Earth

Researchers have known for a while that a star called Gliese 710 is headed straight for our solar system, but they have now worked out precisely when it should arrive.

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