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The 10 most important things in the world right now

Tuesday 1 August 2017

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The 10 most important things in the world right now

Hello! Here's what you need to know on Tuesday.
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The Reserve Bank of Australia left interest rates unchanged at 1.5%.
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Here's what economists are saying about the RBA's more forceful tone towards the dollar

The Reserve Bank of Australia pulled no major surprises today.
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UBS: All of Australia's changes to investor lending rules are increasing the risk of mortgage fraud

Housing finance data for June shows that growth in investor lending slowed in June, while loans to owner-occupiers increased.
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'I KNOW WHAT YOU DID': Key White House officials were tricked into replying to a British email prankster

Freshly departed White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci replied to emails from a hoaxer.
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5 things you need to know in Australian tech today

The government has ordered ACMA to find out who's actually responsible for dealing with all the NBN complaints.
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Australians think a fair pay for a CEO is around $300,000

A study has found that Australians think multimillion dollar pay packets for CEOs are unethical and that action also needs to be taken to rein in bad behaviour.
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House prices in Sydney and Melbourne have now risen more than 100% since the GFC

House prices in Australia's southeastern are rising briskly again, especially in Melbourne.
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Facebook bought an AI startup that could turn its middling virtual assistant into a Siri killer

Facebook's virtual assistant, which goes by the name of M, hasn't quite delivered on the promise of a life-changing artificial intelligence product. But Facebook isn't giving up.
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Bitcoin is rallying to near-record highs ahead of its deadline for a new trading platform

Bitcoin is above $US2,900 this afternoon for the first time mid-June, ahead of a likely split in the currency due within hours (10.30pm eastern Australian time/1.30pm GMT).

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