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10 things you need to know this morning in Australia

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Trip Guide News

Why you shouldn't hire dumb people. How to not share a long flight with a screaming baby. Who paid $220 for a blob of McNugg
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10 things you need to know this morning in Australia

Why you shouldn't hire dumb people. How to not share a long flight with a screaming baby. Who paid $220 for a blob of McNuggets sauce? And 5 ways to become an instant billionaire.
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Australia's hottest housing markets are now clearly starting to cool

Australian auction clearance rates continue to soften, hinting that the deceleration in price growth seen in recent months may continue in the period ahead.
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6 things Australian traders will be talking about this morning

Futures traders finally get a little pessimistic.
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Experts say New Zealand could face an earthquake with 2000 times more energy that the one that devastated Christchurch in 2011

An 8.4 magnitude quake off the East Coast of New Zealand could cause a "megathrust" earthquake.
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It's actually not cute and endearing when your partner texts and calls all the time -- here's why

When you first meet someone you really like, you want to text them all the time. 
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Microsoft's biggest fans are getting worried the company doesn't care about them anymore

Last Tuesday, Microsoft made the announcement that it was going to kill off Groove Music Pass, its home-grown competitor to Spotify and Apple Music. 
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Here's what will happen if temperatures rise to 50°C in our cities

Australia is hot. But future extreme hot weather will be worse still, with new research predicting that Sydney and Melbourne are on course for 50℃ summer days by the 2040s.
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A lawyer claims the UK government has received secret legal advice saying Brexit can be stopped

A lawyer is pressing the government to publish legal advice it has allegedly received in secret saying that the government can stop Brexit at any time and remain in the European Union.

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