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How to spring clean your life for success

Friday 19 April 2024

Trip Guide News

The ONE exercise that you need to be doing to fire up your whole body
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In today's edition, Joe shares:
  • 4 Spring Cleaning Ideas
  • One Exercise Everyone Should Be Doing
  • How to Train at 50+

Two weeks before my boys' National wrestling tournament, I did something drastic.

I removed all the bread and crackers from the kitchen until the tournament was over.

Why would we have these high calorie items in the house during a time when the boys were being asked to cut weight for the match? Their environment was making it harder for them to succeed.

Too often, we rely solely on willpower to overcome temptations. It's like the bowl of chips at a restaurant. You have no intention of eating chips. Yet somehow you find yourself three handfuls in, simply because they were placed on the table.

Instead, what if you create an environment that supports your goals?

This week, I challenge you to "spring clean" your surroundings. It's time to clear out your home, mind, and body to make it easier for you to crush your goals. We're following the ancient Spartans' practice of removing temptations to avoid missteps.

Here are four ideas that have helped me organize my life for success:

Clean Out Your Fridge
My father often said, "Don't have the cookie jar open...or you'll eat the cookies."

If you want to eat healthier, throw out or give away unhealthy foods in your kitchen. Replace them with ingredients and snacks that align with your nutritional goals.

To cut temptation at the root, start practicing at the grocery store. Make a shopping list ahead of time and stick to it 100%.

Scrub Your Social Circle
I believe you are the average of the company you keep. Think about one person in your life who is an inspiration to you. This person may be a high-performing professional, a loving parent, or a beast in the gym. Give them a call. Make an effort to spend more time with them and others like them.

Take a Digital Detox
Delete apps and unsubscribe from emails that zap your time. Unfollow social media accounts that leave you feeling bad about yourself. You want your digital diet to feed you positive reinforcement and useful information.

Refresh Your Brain
Donate books you've outgrown and replace them with literature that challenges you and expands your horizons. Embrace new ideas and learning opportunities that stimulate your mind and soul. Maybe that looks like taking an online course, going back to school, or seeking guidance from a leader in your community.

Revitalize Your Fitness Routine
Break out of winter hibernation and start a new fitness program or sport that gets you excited. A good place to start is in the Spartan app, where you can find workout plans designed by Spartan experts.

Here's to The Hard Way!


The official Spartan exercise is a burpee (and we hope you're doing tons of them), but there's another elite move everyone should do: the plank. Planks build your entire core, from your back to your obliques to your abs. A strong core will help you bulletproof your body from back pain, tackle functional Spartan movements, and improve your posture and balance. Ready to start? Add planks as a finisher to your workout. Hold a plank for one minute (keep those hips up!), rest, and repeat for three total rounds.

You Ask, Joe Answers
Q: Hey Joe, I'm 50 years old. How do I train for a Spartan while reducing my risk of injury?
– Rich D.

A: Hey Rich,Short but efficient workouts will minimize your risk of overtraining and getting injured. You'll want to start by embracing bodyweight exercises so that you master functional movement — key for Spartans. Pushups, squats, bear crawls, planks, and lunge jumps improve mobility, strength, and balance. They'll help you in your running, too. Lifting should still be part of your routine, but instead of trying to bench like you're 20, choose lighter weights and focus on moves that develop explosive power, like kettlebell swings and push presses. Lastly, protein is still vital to fuel your body and build muscle, so eat up!


Question for Joe? Want to tell him what you think of The Hard Way? Email him at thehardway@spartan.com.
They Said It
"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions."
Stephen Covey
The Hard Way Podcast
"You and I are definitely anti-couch in the way we live, even though I am selling couches. I think that people would do well to spend less time on the couch."
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